Support Request Template
What version of phpBB are you using? phpBB 3.3.12
What is your board's URL?
Who do you host your board with? CrocWeb
How did you install your board? I used the download package from
What is the most recent action performed on your board? Update from a previous version of phpBB3
Is registration required to reproduce this issue? No
Do you have any MODs installed? No
Do you have any extensions installed? No
What version of phpBB3 did you update from? phpBB 3.3.11
What styles do you currently have installed? prosilver
What language(s) is your board currently using? English
Which database type/version are you using? MariaDB
What is your level of experience? +8yrs with PHP and phpBB
What actions did you take (updating your board; installing a MOD, style or extension; etc.) prior to this problem becoming noticeable? Following the instruction of updating the phpbb 3.3.11 to the new version 3.3.12
Please describe your problem. While performing the update procedure from phpBB 3.3.11 to 3.3.12 using the Full Package, I encountered this error:
Obviously, I made a backup before performing the update. I am unable to upgrade to version 3.3.12. Therefore, I have reverted to version 3.3.11 while waiting for your response.
Thank you.
What version of phpBB are you using? phpBB 3.3.12
What is your board's URL?
Who do you host your board with? CrocWeb
How did you install your board? I used the download package from
What is the most recent action performed on your board? Update from a previous version of phpBB3
Is registration required to reproduce this issue? No
Do you have any MODs installed? No
Do you have any extensions installed? No
What version of phpBB3 did you update from? phpBB 3.3.11
What styles do you currently have installed? prosilver
What language(s) is your board currently using? English
Which database type/version are you using? MariaDB
What is your level of experience? +8yrs with PHP and phpBB
What actions did you take (updating your board; installing a MOD, style or extension; etc.) prior to this problem becoming noticeable? Following the instruction of updating the phpbb 3.3.11 to the new version 3.3.12
Please describe your problem. While performing the update procedure from phpBB 3.3.11 to 3.3.12 using the Full Package, I encountered this error:
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/phpbb/session.php on line 444: Undefined array key "user_last_active"
General ErrorSQL ERROR [ mysqli ]Unknown column 'user_last_active' in 'field list' [1054]An SQL error occurred while fetching this page. Please contact the Board Administrator if this problem persists.
Thank you.
Statistics: Posted by doomyboy — Fri Jun 07, 2024 5:37 am