Greetings --
Perhaps an mySQL question, but, given the context...thought I'd ask.
Decent sized phpBB board (3.x.x, 2500 members, 15000+ posts). A large proportion of the traffic (posting) to the forum involves questions related to a family of statistical models and analyses, many referring to specific chapters in a large book (20+ chapter, 7 appendices) written about the subject. Recently, a new chapter was added 'right in the middle of the book', such that the new chapter 15 is old chapter 14, new chapter 16 is old chapter 15, and so on.
I'm trying to suss out an efficient way to update the content of forum posts, such that (any) chapter references for chapters *above* the new chapter are updated/corrected (meaning, start at the top and work down: chapter 23 is updated from old chapter 22, chapter 22 is updated from old chapter 21, and so on...down to the new chapter). If the DB for the forum was a giant text file, easy enough with perl, or awk, but...mySQL?
Any suggestions/clever-wild ideas? I'm not a mySQL expert by any stretch, but am happy to try various things (on a backup of the DB, of course. I run a mirror of the forum in a VM, for just this sort of hack-oh-crap-it-did-not-work experiment). I'm simply trying to avoid going through things post by post (for posts referring to chapters), and manually editing.
Thanks in advance...
Perhaps an mySQL question, but, given the context...thought I'd ask.
Decent sized phpBB board (3.x.x, 2500 members, 15000+ posts). A large proportion of the traffic (posting) to the forum involves questions related to a family of statistical models and analyses, many referring to specific chapters in a large book (20+ chapter, 7 appendices) written about the subject. Recently, a new chapter was added 'right in the middle of the book', such that the new chapter 15 is old chapter 14, new chapter 16 is old chapter 15, and so on.
I'm trying to suss out an efficient way to update the content of forum posts, such that (any) chapter references for chapters *above* the new chapter are updated/corrected (meaning, start at the top and work down: chapter 23 is updated from old chapter 22, chapter 22 is updated from old chapter 21, and so on...down to the new chapter). If the DB for the forum was a giant text file, easy enough with perl, or awk, but...mySQL?
Any suggestions/clever-wild ideas? I'm not a mySQL expert by any stretch, but am happy to try various things (on a backup of the DB, of course. I run a mirror of the forum in a VM, for just this sort of hack-oh-crap-it-did-not-work experiment). I'm simply trying to avoid going through things post by post (for posts referring to chapters), and manually editing.
Thanks in advance...
Statistics: Posted by johnny_canuck — Mon Aug 19, 2024 5:16 pm