I see that the debug info is hardcoded in phpbb.
so it can't be translated in other languages.
Is it possible to change this?
The same with the "SQL report", I would also like that info in Dutch language...
so it can't be translated in other languages.
Is it possible to change this?
// Output page creation timeif ($phpbb_container->getParameter('debug.load_time')){if (isset($GLOBALS['starttime'])){$totaltime = microtime(true) - $GLOBALS['starttime'];$debug_info[] = sprintf('<span title="SQL time: %.3fs / PHP time: %.3fs">Time: %.3fs</span>', $db->get_sql_time(), ($totaltime - $db->get_sql_time()), $totaltime);}}if ($phpbb_container->getParameter('debug.memory')){$memory_usage = memory_get_peak_usage();if ($memory_usage){$memory_usage = get_formatted_filesize($memory_usage);$debug_info[] = 'Peak Memory Usage: ' . $memory_usage;}$debug_info[] = 'GZIP: ' . (($config['gzip_compress'] && @extension_loaded('zlib')) ? 'On' : 'Off');if ($user->load){$debug_info[] = 'Load: ' . $user->load;}}if ($phpbb_container->getParameter('debug.sql_explain')){$debug_info[] = sprintf('<span title="Cached: %d">Queries: %d</span>', $db->sql_num_queries(true), $db->sql_num_queries());if ($auth->acl_get('a_')){$debug_info[] = '<a href="' . build_url() . '&explain=1">SQL Explain</a>';}}
Statistics: Posted by SpIdErPiGgY — Sat Feb 24, 2024 3:58 pm